Saturday, 4 October 2014

BaaL Cafe

Bayram has set its teeth into Istanbul and Beşiktaş was very quiet, if not a little sombre this morning. A few moustachioed men could be seen out shuffling along the streets to grab bread or milk in the early hours.

Most have left the city and the feast of the sacrifice has begun.

A few of we foreigners crossed our fingers and hoped that glorious breakfast street would at least be open, offering a little respite from the quiet 4-day holiday stretching ahead of us.  

Lo, what light from yonder cafe breaks? 'Tis a basket of bread, and some variously-arranged morsels on a plate!

We were in luck and gave BaaL a try. It's just there ahead up on the right on Şair Veysi, not far from Faruk's.

After having tried a few of these breakfast plates, we found that the 8TL offering was acceptable. Helena mentioned though that there was no olive tapinade, as you might find at Faruk's - so not quite as good a value for the same sized plate, but all acceptable, in general.

I had the gözleme, which was very tasty and substantial. Sorry there are no actual food pictures this time.

Service was quick, but a teeny bit stiff. The guys running around in BaaL wear funny bellhop outfits, incongruous with the casual nature of breakfast in these parts. One gets the impression the manageress is trying to set her establishment apart from the others, but the grub and the price were very bog standard, I'd say.

She did give us a little chocolate treat as it was Bayram, and was very attentive. Add wi-fi availability, and it gets a thumbs-up from me!

 hey! resist!  çarşı!

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